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Prospects for energy markets in Europe. AleaSoft services for the energy sector

December 14, 2023 | 10:00 - 11:00 CET


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà
Associate Partner
at AleaGreen


  • Evolution and prospects of European energy markets for 2024
  • AleaSoft services for the energy sector

This final webinar of 2023 will analyse the evolution of energy markets during the year, which is only a few days away from its end. A 2023 in which energy markets have regained some calm after the energy crisis of 2022, and in which renewable energies have further consolidated their position as key elements of the energy transition. A 2023 in which technologies that until recently were seen as far off in the future, such as energy storage, batteries and green hydrogen, have gained prominence and the need to promote them has become increasingly clear. A year 2023 in which AleaSoft is pleased to have continued working to help energy sector players on their way to a decarbonised energy system.

Therefore, this webinar will explain in detail the services offered by the company and how each of them can be useful for the different actors in the sector: control centres, retailers, renewable energy developers, large and electro‑intensive consumers, investors, IPP, traders, TSO and utilities. It will be an opportunity to learn about the services that AleaSoft has offered during its more than 24 years of history, as well as those developed during the year 2023. Questions and comments from participants will also be addressed.


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà, is Associate Partner at AleaGreen. He is PhD in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has 20 years of experience in data analysis and modelling both in the context of scientific research and in energy markets. At AleaSoft, for more than ten years, he has been at the forefront of the development of forecasting models for the European energy markets: electricity, gas, oil, CO2, among others.
