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Prospects for energy markets in Europe from 2022

January 13, 2022 | 10:00 - 11:00 CET


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà
Associate Partner at AleaGreen
Alberto Martín
Energy Sector Consulting Principal at PwC Spain
Roxana Fernández Rabuñal
Energy Sector Consulting
Senior Associate at PwC Spain


  • Evolution of European energy markets from 2022
  • Vision of the PPA market for the consumer in the current context

The year 2021 in European electricity markets was characterised by high prices, as a consequence of record prices of gas and CO2 emission rights, as well as by measures that governments took to minimise the effects of the price escalation. In the case of Spain, some of these measures generated concern in the sector and among investors in renewable energies due to the legal uncertainty they entailed. This is the case of the income reduction mechanism for the so‑called excess remuneration due to high gas prices, included in Royal Decree‑law 17/2021, which created a great debate because it affected all infra‑marginal technologies, including wind and photovoltaic energy. Subsequently, in Royal Decree‑law 23/2021, the criteria for the application of this reduction were softened.

The webinar will be the continuation of the one held on January 14, 2021 and the evolution of energy markets will be analysed, emphasising prospects from the year 2022 that begins. In addition, how the regulatory and electricity market situation impacts the development of PPA, both off‑site and on‑site, will be discussed:

  • How did the market situation impact the regulation?
  • How is it impacting corporate PPA?
  • How does it impact the development of self‑consumption for the consumer?
The recording of the webinar will be sent only to PwC Spain clients and clients or those interested in AleaSoft's forecasts