Prospects for European energy markets in the global energy crisis

November 11, 2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 CET


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà
Manager of Data Analysis and Modelling at AleaSoft
Daniel Fernández Alonso
Head of Energy Management and New Green Wholesale Business at ENGIE Spain
Raúl Rodríguez Ascaso
Head of Business Development at ENGIE Spain
Ignacio Sáenz Berruga
Head of Origination and PPAs at ENGIE Spain
Rafael Gómez Bachiller
Head of Market Analytics at ENGIE Spain


  • Evolution of European energy markets in the global energy crisis
  • Financing of renewable energy projects

Europe faces a scenario of historical maximum prices in most electricity markets. The root causes of these high prices are in gas and CO2 emission rights prices. Large consumers and the electro‑intensive industry are the greatest harmed.

In this webinar, the evolution of energy markets in this context of high prices will be analysed and the financing of renewable energy projects through various tools will be discussed, paying special attention to PPA.

The recording of the webinar will be sent only to ENGIE clients and clients or those interested in AleaSoft's forecasts