Prospects for European energy markets in the second half of 2023. Renewable energies financing and PPA

June 8, 2023 | 10:00 - 11:00 CET


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà
Associate Partner at AleaGreen
Daniel Fernández Alonso
Strategy, Regulatory Affairs and H2 Director at Engie Spain
Ignacio Sáenz Berruga
Head of Origination and Sales at Engie Spain


  • Evolution of European energy markets in the second half of 2023
  • Financing of renewable energy projects and PPA
  • Main regulatory issues of the Spanish electricity sector

After a year 2022 with prices never seen before in the European energy sector, the first half of 2023 has been calmer than expected at the beginning of the year, with gas and electricity markets prices that, in general, have decreased throughout this period thanks, among other reasons, to the large amount of stored gas, the drop in demand and the increase in renewable energy production, topics that will be analysed during the webinar together with the evolution of the energy markets in Europe.

This webinar will have the participation of speakers from Engie who will provide their expert vision on the state of the financing of renewable energy projects and PPA in the first half of 2023, as well as the prospects for the second half of the year. In addition, issues related to the regulation of the Spanish and European electricity sector and its implications for investors, producers and consumers will be analysed. Some of the topics that will be analysed are the reform of the electricity market of the European Union and the urgency of creating capacity markets in Spain to encourage the development of storage, taking into account the frequency with which low prices and curtailments are occurring during the solar hours.


Oriol Saltó i Bauzà, is Associate Partner at AleaGreen. He is PhD in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has 20 years of experience in data analysis and modelling both in the context of scientific research and in energy markets. At AleaSoft, for more than ten years, he has been at the forefront of the development of forecasting models for the European energy markets: electricity, gas, oil, CO2, among others.

Alejandro Delgado is Associate Partner at AleaGreen. He is a Software Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in data analysis and forecasting in the energy sector. For the last 5 years, as CTO of AleaSoft, he has participated in the planning and development of numerous price and demand forecasting projects for the European energy markets.
