Importance of the forecasting in audits and portfolio valuation
A pandemic of global nature like that of COVID‑19 with such a rapid and powerful impact on the world economy was an event that was impossible to predict. It was also very difficult to predict and estimate its medium and long‑term consequences on the economy and the energy markets. Visualising what the recovery will be like and how the energy markets will behave is also being a major task. The fear of the impact that the new outbreaks of the pandemic may have is added to the uncertainty of the evolution of the economy.
In this webinar, the evolution of the electricity, fuels and CO2 markets since the de‑escalation of the confinement measures against the epidemic began, and which are the prospects for recovery will be analysed.
The impact that this crisis had on the development and the financing of new renewable energy projects and which the consequences may be in the medium and long term will also be analysed.
Another issue to be addressed is the importance of having prices forecasting made with a model with scientific basis and coherent results in audits and portfolio valuation.