Hybrid systems that combine renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic and wind energy, and energy storage, such as batteries and green hydrogen, make it possible to compensate for the intrinsic variability of renewable energy production and its dependence on meteorological conditions, solar radiation and wind. The fact of having storage systems makes it possible to store surplus energy, at times of high production and low demand or low prices, and to have stored energy at times of insufficient production and high demand or high prices.
Similarly, when different renewable energy technologies that depend on different natural resources are combined in the same plant, the plant can produce more constantly by not depending on a single natural resource.
At AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, studies, analyses and reports are carried out for hybrid systems, mainly of solar photovoltaic energy with batteries, but also of solar photovoltaic energy with wind energy, and of the three, solar photovoltaic energy, wind energy and batteries:
More connections to address opportunities and synergies
in energy markets
26 years of experience as forecasting leaders in the energy sector
We offer forecasts for all European markets
Hybrid forecasting model based on neural networks, regression and SARIMA model
Strategic consulting for the purchase and sale of energy and energy assets
Forecast made in November 2010 of the prices of the electricity market in Spain. The graph shows the success of the forecasts and the confidence bands. An important aspect to consider is that price ranges around the expected value. This feature will continue to be maintained in the future, so the importance of the quality of the forecasts and the associated probabilities.