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Les informations les plus pertinentes sur les principaux marchés, rapports et événements européens de l’énergie sont toujours à jour. Chaque semaine de nouveaux articles qui analysent les principaux chiffres et actualités des marchés MIBEL, EPEX SPOT, IPEX, BELPEX, Nord Pool Spot, SEM, POLPX, ROPEX et N2EX. Abonnez-vous maintenant au résumé hebdomadaire des nouvelles.

AleaSoft 14e anniversaire

AleaSoft is proud to announce its 14th anniversary as an energy forecasting company, offering solutions for forecasting in the energy industry, providing customers with a

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Statnett chooses AleaSoft software

The Norwegian electrical grid operator Statnett hires AleaSoft to produce forecasts for power consumption throughout the country AleaSoft was awarded the contract following an international

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AleaSoft fête ses 10 ans

February 11, 2010- AleaSoft celebrates its tenth anniversary as a leading provider of energy forecasting solutions. Today, AleaSoft clients are key players in European energy

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Promotion des rapports de prévision de la courbe des prix à long terme en Europe