AleaSoft nimmt an der European Utility Week 2016 teil

AleaSoft attended this year´s European Utility Week which was held in its home city of Barcelona. It was a great opportunity to meet with clients and potential partners, as well as network with energy professionals wanting to know more about our reliable energy forecasting products and services.

European Utility Week is considered one of the industry´s largest and most important annual event bringing together 12.000 visitors, 450 speakers and 600 exhibitors from across Europe.

The three day event is an ideal business platform for AleaSoft focusing on regional and global developments in Renewables, Electricity, Energy Consultancy, Data Reporting, Analytics and Energy Efficiency to name a few.

If you missed us at the event and would like to have a better insight with regards to our short, medium or long term energy demand or price forecasts, please contact

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