
Long-term forecasting to boost renewable energy globally



At AleaGreen we help renewable energy developers to create a bankable financing project and we also help them to find funding.

AleaGreen is the division of AleaSoft specialised in analysis and reports of long-term forecasting based on Artificial Intelligence, time series and statistical models.

These long-term energy price forecasts are essential to promote the financing and development of renewable energy, energy transition and decarbonisation at a global level.

By providing detailed analysis and accurate forecasts, AleaGreen contributes to decision-making, thereby promoting progress towards a more sustainable energy system.

AleaGreen provides all types of long-term forecasts, from three years to 40 years of horizon. Reports on forecasting of market prices, renewable energy, demand, GoO, self-consumption, demand management, Smart cities, and all variables and vectors that will be protagonists in the energy transition.

AleaGreen Services

Long-term price curve forecasting

Forecasts with hourly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term price curve forecasting

Forecasts with hourly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term renewable energy production forecasting

National and park solar, wind and hydroelectric energy production forecasts

Long-term renewable energy production forecasting

National and park solar, wind and hydroelectric energy production forecasts

Forecasting for Guarantees of Origin

Forecasts with yearly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Forecasting for Guarantees of Origin

Forecasts with yearly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Self-consumption, demand management, Smart cities

Long-term forecasts for self-consumption, demand management and Smart cities

Self-consumption, demand management, Smart cities

Long-term forecasts for self-consumption, demand management and Smart cities

Long-term electricity demand forecasting

Forecasts with hourly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term electricity demand forecasting

Forecasts with hourly granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Gas and electricity futures forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Gas and electricity futures forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term gas price forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term gas price forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term gas demand forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

Long-term gas demand forecasting

Forecasts with daily granularity and up to 40 years of horizon

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