

Marketplace of PPA, renewable assets and projects


AleaHub facilitates the purchase and sale of PPA, Renewable Assets and Projects, facilitating the connection between buyers and sellers of renewable energy.

We act as a market integrator, helping companies seeking to secure or sell renewable energy and investors looking for new opportunities in the sector, thus promoting the growth of clean energy.

AleaHub Services

Alea Renewables Marketplace of PPA

HUB with clients looking for opportunities to purchase and sell PPA

Alea Renewables Marketplace of PPA

HUB with clients looking for opportunities to purchase and sell PPA

Alea Renewables Marketplace of renewable assets and projects

HUB with clients looking for opportunities to purchase and sell renewable assets and projects

Alea Renewables Marketplace of renewable assets and projects

HUB with clients looking for opportunities to purchase and sell renewable assets and projects

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