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European electricity markets prices fell again thanks to wind energy

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, April 25, 2022. In the third week of April, the wind energy production increased in most European markets, which, together with lower demand in several markets, favoured the decrease in electricity markets prices. During the weekend, negative prices were reached in Belgium and the Netherlands and in the Iberian market some hours […]

Calls for aids for energy storage

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, April 22, 2022. The aids will be needed for the complete development of the energy storage necessary to achieve the energy transition objectives. This news summarises the calls for aids for storage, both open and future, within the framework of PERTE ERHA. For the development of energy storage projects, as for renewable […]

Which financing opportunities does energy storage have?

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, April 19, 2022. A stable regulation is necessary for the development of energy storage technologies that are going to be key and essential for the energy transition towards 100% renewable electricity generation. Members of MITECO will analyse the financing opportunities for these facilities in the next webinar organised by AleaSoft Energy Forecasting. […]

With the limitation of gas prices, the Iberian electricity market will have two reference prices: the usual marginalist price and the adjusted peninsular price

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, April 1, 2022. Just after RDL 6/2022 was published to prolong and modify the measures aimed at lowering energy prices, the governments of Spain and Portugal sent a proposal to modify the wholesale electricity market to Brussels. The most important thing about this proposal is that it maintains an unchanged marginalist price […]

Why is the Iberian Peninsula an energy island?

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 29, 2022. Spain, and the Iberian Peninsula by extension, can be considered an energy island. The capacity to import and export electricity with both France and Morocco represents a very small fraction of the demand and of the generation capacity. This article analyses all data on the interconnections of the Iberian […]

European electricity markets prices fell at the beginning of the spring

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 28, 2022. European electricity markets prices fell in the first week of spring, and negative values were registered in the Belgian market, although most exceeded €215/MWh of weekly average. The drop in gas prices and electricity demand, as well as higher solar energy production, favoured the behaviour of the electricity markets. […]

The lack of projects with PPA brings merchant projects into focus of financing

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 25, 2022. Out of the projects under the reasonable profitability regime of RD 413/2014, there are already very few that need financing. The extreme price volatility in the electricity markets today resulted in few PPA contracts being closed. Faced with this situation of little availability of renewable energy projects to finance, […]

Interview of Acermetal with Antonio Delgado Rigal, PhD in Artificial Intelligence and CEO of Aleasoft Energy Forecasting

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 15, 2022. Interview by Cristina Oliva Collar from Acermetal with Antonio Delgado Rigal, PhD in Artificial Intelligence, founder and CEO of AleaSoft Energy Forecasting. The electro‑intensive industry is experiencing an unprecedented “industrial emergency” situation. The steel industry, in particular, was forced to stop production in certain cases… What measures should be […]