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Interview by El Periódico de la Energía with Antonio Delgado Rigal, PhD in Artificial Intelligence and CEO of AleaSoft Energy Forecasting

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 27, 2023. Interview by Ramón Roca, director of El Periódico de la Energía, with Antonio Delgado Rigal, PhD in Artificial Intelligence, founder and CEO of AleaSoft Energy Forecasting. Habemus proposal of the European Commission to reform the electricity market. What do you think? What we have are some proposals for “improvements” […]

European energy markets say goodbye to winter with price decreases

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 20, 2023. In the third week of March, European electricity markets prices fell compared to the previous week, influenced by the decrease in gas and CO2 emission rights prices, as well as by the drop in demand and the increase of solar energy production. However, both solar and wind energy production […]

Wind energy production breaks records in several European markets

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, March 13, 2023. In the second week of March, prices of almost all European electricity markets fell compared to the previous week, influenced by the decrease in electricity demand and gas prices, as well as by the general increase in wind energy production. Regarding the production with this technology, on March 9 […]

Second consecutive week of price falls in most European electricity markets

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, February 27, 2023. In the fourth week of February, prices of most European electricity markets fell compared to the previous week, influenced by the decrease in gas prices and the drop in demand in various European markets. On the other hand, on February 21, TTF gas futures for the Front‑Month registered a […]

Fall in European electricity markets prices in January 2023

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, February 1, 2023. In the month of January 2023, European electricity markets prices decreased with respect to both December and January 2022. The monthly average price was lower than €135/MWh in almost all markets. This behaviour was influenced by the decrease in gas and CO2 emission rights prices. On the other hand, […]

Wind energy, demand and CO2 contribute to the rise in European electricity markets

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, January 30, 2023. In the fourth week of January, prices of almost all European electricity markets analysed at AleaSoft Energy Forecasting increased compared to the previous week. The general decrease in wind energy production, the increase in demand in most markets and the increase in CO2 prices contributed to this behaviour. On […]

Winter temperatures finally arrive and prices rise in Europe

AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, January 23, 2023. In the third week of January, prices of most European electricity markets increased compared to the previous week due to the increase in demand associated with the drop in temperatures. However, in the Spanish, Portuguese and Italian markets, where the wind energy production increased, price declines were registered. On […]