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Self-consumption: Cornerstone of the photovoltaic revolution

AleaSoft, February 19, 2019. The increase of self-consumption in Spain is an opportunity for the expansion of the photovoltaic energy, but it also entails certain risks if its implementation is not carried out in a planned manner. The most widespread public opinion is that the self-consumption of electricity is beneficial for the consumers and for […]

Maximum annual price of Brent oil

AleaSoft, February 18, 2019. AleaSoft analyses the European electricity, fuels and CO2 markets. Gas and coal prices slow down the downward trend. European electricity markets maintain a slight bearish trend during the month of February. Brent, fuels and CO2 Analysing the price of Brent oil futures in the ICE market for April, in mid-February there […]

The MIBEL electricity market price falls this week but it is the highest in Europe

AleaSoft, February 14, 2019. This week the MIBEL market average price, although it is lower than last week, is the highest in Europe, both on the average between February 11 and 14, and on days February 12 and 13. According to AleaSoft, while in other European countries the renewable energy production in general was higher, […]

AleaSoft at GENERA 2019: The new reality of financing photovoltaic projects

AleaSoft, February 13, 2019. From February 26 to March 1, GENERA 2019 event will be held in Madrid, with the participation of AleaSoft in a stand and in the technical conference on financing photovoltaic projects. At GENERA 2019, Alea Business Software, S.L. (AleaSoft Energy Forecasting), the leading company in forecasting energy prices, will share a […]

Wind and solar energy production in Europe causes the low prices in electricity markets

AleaSoft, February 11, 2019. AleaSoft analyses the behaviour of the European electricity markets in the first days of February. Wind energy production caused the electricity markets to fall in this second week of February, although a slight rise in temperature also influenced in the corresponding drop of demand, as well as a slight drop of […]

Emissions rights: double-edged sword against climate change

AleaSoft, February 12, 2019. The new Royal Decree on CO2 and greenhouse gases emission rights trading is the first step towards the fourth phase of the European trading system for the period 2021-2030. AleaSoft analyses the pros and cons of this system of penalties for polluting emissions. At the end of January, Royal Decree 18/2019, […]

Wind energy sets the pace of the MIBEL electricty market price

AleaSoft, February 7, 2019. In the first seven days of February the price of the MIBEL electricity market has been the lowest in Europe twice, and in two days, the highest one. According to the analysis carried out by AleaSoft, wind energy production is behind these price movements. European electricity markets In the first seven […]

High electricity prices in 2019 due to prices of fuels and CO2

AleaSoft, February 4, 2019. AleaSoft analyses the behaviour of the European electricity markets at the beginning of 2019 and the outlook until the end of the year. Brent, fuels and CO2 The price of Brent oil futures in the ICE market for April starts the week of February 4 with a slight trend to exceed […]

The proposal of new RD for self-consumption shall mean the final boost for the photovoltaics

AleaSoft, February 5, 2019. AleaSoft analyses the proposal of a Royal Decree to regulate self-consumption in Spain, and its impact on the achievement of the environmental objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and the development of photovoltaics. With the aim of promoting self-consumption with renewable generation, the government has published the draft Royal […]

The Iberian electricity market scored again the lowest price in Europe

AleaSoft, January 31, 2019. The Spanish and Portuguese MIBEL electricity market price was once again the lowest in Europe this January 31, and it is the third time this year. As analysed by AleaSoft, the high wind energy production is the main cause of this lower price. European electricity markets This January 31, the MIBEL […]