AleaSoft provides energy forecasting of price and demand for the Nord Pool Spot Market of Nordic Countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia), at short, mid and long term.
Offered services:
The AleaPriceShort solution generates hourly forecasts of the energy prices (Day-ahead market, Elspot) of the Nordic countries for the short term, with a 10 day horizon (from D+1 to D+10).
The AleaPriceMid solution generates hourly forecasts for the price of energy for the Nord Pool Spot (Day-ahead market, Elspot), for the Nordic Countries for the mid term, with a 3 year horizon.
It includes scenario tools for fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal) and other variables used in price forecasting (CO2, exchange rates, demand, hydroelectric production, nuclear production, wind power production, etc) in order to obtain alternative price forecasting considering possible values of these variables.
The AleaPriceLong solution generates monthly forecasts for the price of energy of Nord Pool Spot (Day-ahead market, Elspot), for the Nordic Countries for the long term, with a horizon of up to 10 years. The AleaPriceLong solution is flexible, in order to adapt to the criteria of your requirements. It includes the scenarios tools for fuels (Brent, Gas, Coal) and other variables used in price forecasting (CO2, exchange rates, demand, hydroelectric production, nuclear production, wind power production, etc) in order to obtain alternative price forecasting considering possible values of these variables.
The AleaDemandShort solution generates hourly forecasts of the energy demand of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia for the short term, with a 10 day horizon.
The AleaDemandMid solution generates hourly forecasts of the energy demand of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia for the mid term, with a 3 year horizon.
It includes functionalities to analyse forecast variability useful for the decision-making process, such as:
AleaDemandLong solution generates monthly forecasts of the energy demand of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia for the long term, with up to a 10 year horizon. The AleaDemandLong solution includes functionalities to analyse a variety of variabilities useful for the decision-making process, such as:
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