Romania - Opcom Market

Romania - Opcom Market

Science-based forecasts for a sustainable energy transition


Romania’s electricity system is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the European Union’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

Currently, Romania’s electricity generation mix is diverse, combining traditional energy sources, such as coal, natural gas and nuclear energy, with renewable energies, mainly hydroelectric energy. In recent years, wind and solar photovoltaic energy have registered remarkable growth, positioning themselves as key pillars of the country’s energy transition.

Highlighted below are some of the main objectives of Romania’s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) to continue advancing the decarbonisation of the electricity system:

At AleaSoft, we offer a wide range of services to support the actors of the energy sector in Romania in this transformation process, providing solutions adapted to the new needs of the OPCOM electricity market.

Market intelligence services to boost the sustainable energy future

Romania- OPCOM

AleaSoft provides forecasting of energy prices for OPCOM (Romania) at a short, mid and long term.

AleaSoft provides forecasting of energy demand for OPCOM (Romania) at a short, mid and long term.

Offered services:
  • Shortmid and long term forecasting
  • Installation of solutions in client offices
  • Service of forecast delivery by email or FTP
  • Service of market report delivery, weekly and monthly, by email
  • Service of market data supply by email or FTP

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