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Independent aggregators: New opportunities of business and technological development

AleaSoft, July 28, 2020. In the Royal Decree Law 23/2020 the figure of the independent aggregator was included, through which it will be possible to manage the demand of various consumers and generators, to operate in the electricity markets. With this new figure, new business opportunities will be opened and it will provide a stimulus […]

The green hydrogen as the fuel of the future in multiple innovative projects

AleaSoft, July 22, 2020. The green hydrogen will be a key factor in the energy transition, mainly in the decarbonisation of the transport and the industry. Steps are already being taken in Europe to boost its development, such as the strategy presented by the European Commission and the plan to develop a hydrogen infrastructure presented […]

The 7% tax hurts the consumers and the competitiveness of the local producers

AleaSoft, July 14, 2020. The Tax on the Value of Electricity Generation came into force in Spain at the end of 2012. It represents an extra cost for all electricity producers, that ends up hurting them against their cross‑border competitors and increasing the price that the consumers pay for the electricity, so at AleaSoft its […]

The CO2 prices reach their highest value since August 2019

AleaSoft, July 2, 2020. On the first day of July, the settlement price of the CO2 futures for December 2020 was €27.71/t. Since the first half of August 2019, such a high price was not reached. During the first days of the week of the end of June and the beginning of July, the prices […]