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Project Finance: how to mitigate the market prices risk

AleaSoft, November 4, 2020. A PPA contract is the meeting point between producer and offtaker on the vision of the electricity market prices future. The market prices risk is the most difficult to assume when financing renewable energy projects, and tools such as PPAs seek to mitigate it in whole or in part. This article […]

The European wind energy favoured the drop in electricity markets prices again

AleaSoft, October 22, 2020. The prices fell during the first four days of the fourth week of October in most European electricity markets, due to the increase in wind energy production. Another factor that led to these lower prices was the decrease in CO2 prices, which fell below €24/t, something that did not happen since […]

“The renewable energy auctions, with caution”

AleaSoft, October 21, 2020. On the first day of the seventh edition of the UNEF Solar Forum, the renewable energy auctions in Spain and other issues of relevance to the photovoltaic sector were discussed. At the last table of the day, the message was one of optimism for the investors and a vision of the […]

The gas continues to recover and exceeded €14/MWh again

AleaSoft, October 19, 2020. The TTF gas prices, the benchmark in Europe, exceeded €14/MWh in the third week of October. In the spot market, this did not happen since December 2019. This fact, together with the increase in demand and the decrease in renewable energy production, mainly the wind energy, favoured the general increase in […]

The future of the hydrogen will be green

AleaSoft, October 14, 2020. The green hydrogen is getting everyone’s attention lately. The industrial development that the adoption of the green hydrogen production, storage and transport technology will lead seems to have finally aroused the interest that will make this technology one of the key pieces of the energy transition towards an emissions‑neutral economy. In […]