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Energy efficiency increased after the economic crisis

AleaSoft, January 21, 2019. AleaSoft analysed the evolution of electricity consumption after the crisis and during the economic recovery, and observed a clear change in the use of electricity and an increase in electrical efficiency. The economic crisis of the last decade changed the way of consuming electricity of households, businesses and industries. As electricity […]

New cold snap in Central Europe with electricity prices and demand increases

AleaSoft, January 17, 2019. A new cold snap is expected to hit the European continent later this week and next week especially in its central part, although the drop in temperatures will also be noticed in the Iberian Peninsula. The expected increase in demand, together with moderate wind energy production, will push prices higher, mainly […]

The year 2018 confirms the trend to less volatile prices in the electricity market

AleaSoft, January 14, 2019. While the Iberian electricity market price increased in 2018, price volatility decreased, continuing the trend observed in recent years. AleaSoft analyses the behaviour of the hourly price of electricity over the years, its main causes and its prospects in the coming years. Normally, what stands out most in a given year […]

The cold snap brings higher prices, demand and wind energy

AleaSoft, January 10, 2019. The cold snap that has reached Europe is having an impact on electricity prices and demands in electricity markets. AleaSoft analyses the main European electricity, fuels and CO2 markets, as well as the Spanish market and electricity system in the last December, the second most expensive December in the decade and […]

2018 ended as the second most expensive year of the Spanish electricity market history

AleaSoft, January 7, 2019. AleaSoft analyses the provisional 2018-year data advanced by REE in December updated with the latest available data. 2018 was the year with the second highest average price in the market history, and was marked by the explosion of the price of CO2 emission rights and the recovery of hydroelectric production after […]

Spain, most expensive european market on the first day of the year

AleaSoft, January 3, 2019. Even with a weak electricity demand during the holiday season, low wind energy places the Spanish electricity market as the second most expensive in Europe, and the one with the highest price for January 1. During the Christmas holiday season, since Monday, December 24, the Iberian electricity market MIBEL in Spain […]

Article of opinion: How can photovoltaics change a region

AleaSoft, December 31, 2018. The photovoltaic resource has a great future in southern Europe. The regions of the southern part of the European continent can become developed areas with knowledge-based industries thanks to photovoltaic energy in the future. Some people are born in a poor country, others in a rich country. Some are born in […]

Electricity price fall in the Christmas week due to the demand fall

AleaSoft, December 20, 2018. For the Christmas week, AleaSoft forecasts indicate a fall of the main European electricity markets prices. The decrease in demand during the holiday period will be the main cause, and in most of the continent, with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula, milder temperatures and an increase in wind production are […]

European electricity markets panorama: Italy

AleaSoft, December 17, 2018. AleaSoft analyses the behaviour of the Italian electricity market IPEX during 2018 and the influence of the price of fuels and CO2. Italy, which currently covers a large part of its demand with thermal production, and which has a high solar resource, has great potential for the development of photovoltaic production. […]

Negative prices reappeared in the German electricity market during the weekend

AleaSoft, December 13, 2018. Last Sunday, negative prices were recorded in the early morning hours in the wholesale electricity market in Germany due to record wind energy production. Meanwhile, in the rest of the European markets, except in France and the Nordic countries, prices remained relatively high. In the Iberian Peninsula, the strong winds arrive […]