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wind energy keeps favouring low prices in the European electricity markets

AleaSoft, May 28, 2020. At the beginning of the last week of May, the European electricity markets prices fell due to the increase in wind energy production. The gas prices, which continue to set lows, also favour the low market prices. In general, the daily prices were below €30/MWh, except for two days in the […]

The wind energy production maintains the low prices in the European electricity markets

Aleasoft, May 14, 2020. The wind energy production increased in most of Europe, lowering the electricity prices, except in the Iberian Peninsula, where the decrease in wind energy contributed to a rise in prices. Meanwhile, the electricity demand continues to rebound in the European markets as the de‑escalation of the confinement measures due to the […]

PPA and merchant are not exclusive strategies

AleaSoft, May 13, 2020. The exceptional nature of the current situation is also affecting the prices of PPA contracts that are currently being negotiated. Faced with this situation that may hinder the plans of some renewable and photovoltaic energy projects, the need for a robust and flexible energy buying and selling strategy based on reliable […]

The European electricity markets begin May with prices below €30/MWh

AleaSoft, May 7, 2020. In the first days of May, the European electricity markets prices were below €30/MWh and it is expected that they will continue below this value next week. Italy’s demand increased after the confinement measures to curb the coronavirus began to relax. In the rest of the markets, the demand remains stable […]