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The change of price forecasting needs of the renewable energy plants

AleaSoft, February 12, 2021. It is difficult to deny that Spain is in the throes of the outbreak of a second renewable energy revolution. As new projects develop and enter the wholesale electricity market, their market price forecasting needs change. If previously only long‑term forecasts were needed to plan the investment, now short and mid‑term […]

Spain, the world renewable energy laboratory and in the top ten

AleaSoft, February 5, 2021. After some time, Spain returned to the world top ten in terms of renewable energy capacity. But looking at the numbers in detail, its position in the ranking improves if each particular renewable technology is analysed individually. Spain is, without a doubt, one of the great world powers in terms of […]

The importance of understanding the balance of the long term markets

AleaSoft, February 3, 2021. When planning a strategy for purchasing energy or estimating the return on the investment of a renewable energy project, it is very important to have a clear vision of the future of the long‑term market prices. This market prices forecasting is what will allow calculating whether the expected income makes the […]

The energy markets prices forecasting is not a perishable product

  AleaSoft, January 22, 2021. The long‑term energy markets prices forecasts are useful beyond the moment they are made. They are the support for the decision made at the time of signing a PPA, making an investment or buying energy in the futures market. The energy markets prices forecasting is not a perishable product. At […]

The PPA will coexist with the renewable energy auctions

AleaSoft, January 19, 2021. The role of the PPAs in the energy transition continues to be very relevant and, according to the experts, it is a tool that will continue to be useful and in force even with the auctions being held. This is because, beyond being important for the financing of the renewable energy […]